Take the Micronutrient Quiz!

Last Updated : 11/01/2021

1. Vitamins and minerals are called micronutrients because…

Answer C: We need them in small amounts. Micronutrients are called ‘micro’ because we need them in very small amounts (milligrams (mg) or even micrograms (μg)). Yet, not getting enough of these compounds can cause serious health problems. Since our bodies cannot produce most of the micronutrients we need, eating a healthy diet is still the best way to get enough of them without risking exceeding the recommended intake.

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2. True or False: Vitamins and minerals can interact with each other to benefit or impair the absorption and function of one another in the body .

Answer: True. Micronutrients do not act individually, they interact, join forces and can even cancel each other out. That is why it is important to have a varied diet, as the natural combinations of micronutrients in food help to maintain a good nutritional balance.

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3.Which micronutrient can help our bodies absorb iron better?

Answer: B. Vitamin C. Eating vitamin C-rich food sources C (like bell peppers, citrus fruit, etc.) together with iron-rich meals can help our body better absorb iron, especially non-haem iron found in plant-based foods. However, this effect is dependent on other factors such as one’s iron levels and the make-up of the meal (e.g. the presence of nutrients with the opposite effect).

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4. ‘Anti-nutrients’ is a term for compounds that can block or limit the absorption of certain nutrients. Which ‘anti-nutrient’ can affect the absorption of zinc, a trace mineral?

Answer: C. Phytates. All three options are classified as anti-nutrients, but phytates, which are found in whole grains, legumes, some seeds, and nuts, can decrease absorption of zinc as well as iron, magnesium, and calcium. However, anti-nutrients are not to be feared because they also have some health benefits, for example studies have shown phytates can help reduce sugar and cholesterol levels in our blood. Eating a well-balanced healthy diet will ensure that you get the sufficient amount of nutrients your body needs, so there is no need to avoid anti-nutrients

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5. True or False: Water can be a good source of minerals.

Answer: True. Minerals do not only come from food. Water, including tap water (when it is safe) also contributes to our mineral intake because it contains chloride, magnesium, selenium, sodium and copper, iron, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, and zinc in small amounts. This also depends on the sources, as the mineral composition of ground water varies from one place to another.

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6.What are good food sources of vitamin D?

Answer: B. Egg yolk, fatty fish, offal, UV treated mushrooms. The sun is our main source of vitamin D but, during the winter or when we are less exposed to the sun, we need to get vitamin D from our diet. Egg yolk, fatty fish, offal, UV-treated mushrooms, fortified foods (vegetable spreads, breakfast cereals, plant-based dairy alternatives) are good sources of vitamin D. However, it is difficult to get enough vitamin D from our diet alone, especially in northern latitudes. Depending on your country’s guidelines, you should consider taking a daily supplement during the autumn and winter.

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7. True or False: Vitamin B12 is produced by animals

Answer: False. Only bacteria can produce vitamin B12. Animals get this vitamin from their diets and some ruminants (such as cattle and sheep) from the bacteria living in their gut. In turn, we can get vitamin B12 from animal-based products, fortified foods, and supplements.

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8. What micronutrients should vegans look out for, so they get enough in their diet?

Answer: A. Vitamin B12, Iodine, Calcium, Iron. Well-planned vegan diets can provide all the nutrients we need to stay healthy, but if you are avoiding all or limiting your intake of animal-based foods, these are the few micronutrients you should pay attention to. In fact, the only source of vitamin B12 for vegans are fortified products or supplements. If you are thinking about switching your diet, remember to consult a registered dietitian or registered nutritionist for advice.

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9. Iodine is a mineral. Where is most of the world’s iodine found?

Answer: C. Oceans and marine sources. Iodine is found in oceans and marine sources; this is also why seafood is a rich source of iodine. Seaweed is a rich source, but the iodine contents can vary and are sometimes too high. Some guidelines recommend not to use seaweed as your main source of iodine, so use sparingly and look at the nutrition label for guidance. Iodised salt is also a source of iodine, its use varies widely across Europe, however it should not be relied upon to increase your iodine intake. Make sure to follow your national dietary guidelines on recommended salt intakes.

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10. True or False: Taking vitamin C supplements can help to prevent a common cold

Answer: False. Even if some studies showed that vitamin C could, in some cases, shorten the duration of a cold, there is no evidence that vitamin C supplements can prevent or treat a cold. In fact, no specific food or nutrient can boost our immune system, but ensuring we meet our dietary requirements for vitamins and minerals is essential for the proper functioning of our immune function.

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11. Which of the following nuts are some of the richest source of the mineral selenium?

Answer: B. Brazil nuts. A serving portion (30g) of Brazil nuts provides 109% of our recommended daily dose of selenium. These nuts should therefore be consumed in moderation, as eating too much Selenium is also not healthy for us.

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12. True or False: The micronutrient content is similar in raw and cooked foods

Answer: False. The way we cook can influence the micronutrient content of our foods, either by reducing the amount of micronutrients or making them easier to absorb. For example, boiling leaches water-soluble vitamins from the food into the cooking water. Additionally, some fat-soluble vitamins present in cooked vegetables are better absorbed when fat (such as olive oil) is added.

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13.Which of the following is a good source of preformed vitamin A, also known as retinol ?

Answer: A. Liver. One of the richest sources of preformed vitamin A (retinol) is liver and liver products. One serving provides more than your daily recommended intake of vitamin A, however it should not be consumed daily. Eating liver products once a week is enough. It is especially important that pregnant individuals avoid liver products because of their high vitamin A content.

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14. Folate and vitamin B12 work together to do what in the body?

Answer: B. Make new healthy red blood cells. Folate and vitamin B12 are both essential micronutrients and work together to create new healthy red blood cells. A low concentration of either can affect the work they perform.

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15. Why are whole grains a rich source of micronutrients ?

Answer: B. They contain the kernel’s bran and germ. They contain the kernel’s bran and germ, which is where micronutrients are stored, specifically iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, selenium, vitamin E and B vitamins.

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