EURRECA - Towards a common approach for setting micronutrient recommendations

Last Updated : 10 October 2011
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    The EURRECA Network of Excellence is an EU-funded initiative that aims to develop methods to standardise the process of setting micronutrient recommendations in Europe. There is currently no common approach for setting nutrition recommendations, resulting in variations from one member state to another.

    A major part of EURRECA’s work is a review of the existing literature relevant to setting micronutrient recommendations. This research informed the development of a methodology that can be applied to all the micronutrients, and thus contribute to the alignment of the micronutrient reccommendations in Europe.

    In this interview with EUFIC at EURRECA’s 5th Integrating Meeting, Dr Pieter van’t Veer, Professor of Nutrition and Epidemiology at Wageningen University, explains this work.

    For more information about EURRECA click here or visit the website

    EURRECA – EURopean RECommendations Aligned – Network of Excellence is funded by the European Commission (2007 – 2011), contract number FP6 036196-2 (FOOD) and is co-ordinated by ILSI Europe