Funding and transparency
EUFIC is an independent non-profit organisation, registered under Belgian law as an AISBL (Association internationale sans but lucratif) under number 0456 866 931.
EUFIC strategy aims to keep private funding below 45%, ideally around 35%. In 2023, 61% of our funding came from public sources, 37% from our membership and 2% from other sources. To protect EUFIC from undue influence, the individual financial contribution from private-sector organisations’ is capped at maximum 3.5% of the prior year EUFIC’s income.

Why we work with a diversity of stakeholders
EUFIC believes that addressing today’s societal challenges requires collaboration among diverse stakeholders.
As a neutral convener, EUFIC works with academia, industry, healthcare practitioners, science communicators, and civil society, fostering multi-stakeholder approaches to encourage dialogue and develop effective solutions for the benefit of people. This approach helps us understand the different perspectives, sensitivities, and challenges, different food actors face around EUFIC’s priority topics.
Our governance structure, operating principles and code of conduct, ensure that we fulfil our activities in a transparent, impartial, science-based way.
Public sector stakeholders
EUFIC engages and collaborates with public sector entities, for example stemming from our participation in projects or operating grants funded by the European Commission, or from our associate membership. Our work with the public sector includes a broad variety of organisations such as:
- Academic and research institutions: Universities and research institutes from Europe and beyond (e.g. University College Dublin, Eurofir, INRAE, University of Bologna, FINS, Wageningen University).
- International organisations and government entities: Institutions such as FAO, WHO, European Commission, as well as national government agencies and ministries from European countries.
- Third sector and civil society organisations: Non-profits and civil society groups (e.g. Food Banks, Caritas), including patient organisations, healthcare professionals’ associations (e.g. FENS, EFAD, EASO), consumer organisations, city networks, science museum networks, among others.
Private sector
To support the achievement of our mission, a diversity of organisations can join EUFIC as members, including private-sector organisations. EUFIC’s private-sector membership fees, together with public-sector funding sources, allow us to amplify our resources and enable us to pursue our mission of promoting healthier and more sustainable diets and lifestyles.
EUFIC is independent from its funders who do not gain influence over EUFIC’s work in return for their financial support and their financial contribution comes as unrestricted funds. EUFIC does not lobby for specific interests nor promote individual companies' views, brands, or products.
How we maintain independence
Several mechanisms ensure that our activities remain impartial, evidence-based, and focused on the public good.
Topic Selection:
Our team proposes topics based on scientific relevance, their importance to public health, and the state of the public debate. Our broad membership is invited to suggest further topics they see as important for public health. The EUFIC team considers the relevance of those suggestions and takes a final decision.
The communication priorities are submitted to the General Assembly for approval after discussion with the Board of Directors and Scientific Advisory Board.
Evidence-based approach to our activities:
Our information materials are based on research evidence supported by the wider scientific community.
All our messages and articles undergo rigorous review by the Scientific Advisory Board or relevant scientific experts from our EU projects and other networks.
We conduct consumer research to the highest scientific standards to understand public perceptions, preferences, knowledge, and behaviour.
EUFIC openly shares details of its research collaborations, affiliations, and funding sources.
An impartial governance:
We have implemented a variety of measures to safeguard the integrity of our governance and decision-making processes, ensuring they remain independent from our funding sources. Those include: governance representatives coming from 4 stakeholder groups (scientific community, practitioners & science communicators, private sector, civil society) whose proportion is deliberately weighted towards the scientific community; acting in their individual capacity, unremunerated and filling an annual declaration of interests. Read more on our Governance pages.
Code of Conduct and Operating Principles:
Every EUFIC member and governance representative abides by a Code of Conduct and Operating Principles that uphold our commitment to independence and scientific integrity.
Financial audits:
EUFIC’s annual accounts are reviewed and approved by formally recognised external financial auditors. Our audited accounts are published annually in the Central Balance Sheet Office.
Transparency register:
EUFIC is listed on the EU Transparency Register as it participates in stakeholder boards of EU institutions and is invited sporadically to attend expert or stakeholder meetings by the European Commission.
For more information about our funding, please have a look at our Annual Reports.