Newsroom | Eufic

News | 26 October 2023

EUFIC Launches Social Media Challenge #SwitchToWholeGrains: What whole grains are you switching to?

On November 15th, on the occasion of the 5th International Whole Grains Day, the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) is launching its social media challenge #SwitchToWholeGrains to inspire European citizens to integrate more whole grains into their daily diets.  

Press releases | 24 October 2023

New Food Facts community to empower media and scientists to fight food misinformation together

Join the Food Facts Community to debunk food misinformation and help build public science literacy

Press releases | 10 October 2023

DRG4FOOD’s first Open Call Gives up to €300,000 to pilot projects building a trustworthy data-driven food system

The EU funded Horizon project DRG4Food, a leading accelerator for advancing sustainable solutions in the food industry, releases its first open call of €950,000, aimed at supporting three pilot projects for up to €300,000 to develop and implement baseline enablers advancing alternative approaches food system data sharing. Researchers, startups, SMEs, and technology adopters in the agri-food tech sector are welcome to submit their pilot projects as part of small consortia.

Press releases | 29 September 2023

What kind of food waster are you? Food waste quiz aims to boost citizens’ food management skills

On September 29th, on the occasion of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) is launching a one-month food waste campaign, together with a new quiz "Evaluate Your Food Waste Practices!" to encourage citizens to take simple steps at home and positively contribute to the larger challenge. Quiz and awareness raising materials are available in English, Spanish, Italian, French and German.

Press releases | 25 September 2023

The FOX project announces its Final Conference: “Small-Scale, Big Impact: Innovative Approaches for Local Food Processing”

Shortening food supply chains is one of the key aspects to stimulate the uptake of sustainable food systems transformation: what if we could bring food processing closer to farmers in an economically feasible way? FOX – Food Processing in a Box, a Horizon 2020 funded project, is set to host its highly anticipated final conference “Small-Scale, Big Impact: Innovative Approaches for Local Food Processing” on the 26th of September 2023 in Brussels, discussing the environmental and economic advantages of utilizing mobile processing containers in the European fruits and vegetables sector.

News | 12 September 2023

High-level event in Valencia sets to shine a spotlight on food loss and waste reduction strategies

Join the High-level event "A multi-stakeholder perspective on food loss and food waste reduction strategies" organised by CEMAS and EUFIC in Valencia on 3 October in person and online.

08 September 2023

Uuring: eestlased on toidualase väärinfo eristamises Euroopas nõrgimad

Tänase rahvusvahelise kirjaoskuse päeva puhul algatas Euroopa Toiduteabe Nõukogu toidu- ja terviseteaduse alase kirjaoskuse suurendamise kampaania rõhutamaks selle rolli üldsuse teadlike toitumis- ja elustiilivalikute tegemisel. Kampaania peamine eesmärk on luua tervislikum ja kestlikum ühiskond.

Media reactions | 29 August 2023

In the news: do ultra-processed foods increase risk of heart disease and stroke?

Recent news stories have reported that eating ultra-processed food increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, based on results from two new research studies. The use of the degree of processing of foods as an indicator of their healthfulness is a hotly debated topic in nutrition and food science. So, what exactly did these studies find and how do they add to the debate? Here are a few things to keep in mind when reading the headlines.

Media reactions | 14 July 2023

In the news: does aspartame increase our risk of cancer?

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener that is approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used to replace sugar and provide sweetness in energy-reduced food, or food with no added sugars. Recent news stories have raised the alarm that aspartame may be linked to cancer, but there are a few things to keep in mind when reading the headlines.