Newsroom | Eufic

EUFIC in the media | 20 September 2021 | Alimente

¿Sabes reconocer un buen tomate, de los de antes?

EUFIC in the media | 16 September 2021 | Stern

Eiweißquellen für Veganer: Das sind die besten Proteinlieferanten

EUFIC in the media | 02 August 2021 | Yahoo! life

Are Peppers Fruit? The Answer Is Complicated

Press releases | 05 July 2021

EU-funded SMARTCHAIN reveals key steps to improve sustainability of short food supply chains

The EU-funded project SMARTCHAIN hosts today its closing event, showcasing its main findings and recommendations to support collaborative Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs) in Europe.

EUFIC in the media | 16 June 2021 | IL CUCCHIAIO D'ARGENTO

Pomodori: tipologie, proprietà e ricette. Come cucinarli e gustarli al meglio

News | 26 May 2021

Strength2Food Final Conference launches ‘Sustainable Food Choices’ open online course as it unveils 5-year research and innovation project results

On 20th May, the key results and recommendations of the EU-funded Strength2Food project were presented and the‘Sustainable Food Choices’ open online course was launched as part of the project.