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Collaboration of European Projects Advances Personalised Solutions for Obesity

Found in 16 July 2024

The urgency for immediate action in combating the global obesity crisis has never been more apparent. According to recent data, over 2.5 billion adults, representing a staggering 43% of the global population aged 18 years and older, are currently grappling with overweight issues. Additionally, a further 890 million individuals are…

MELIORA: transforming breast cancer risk reduction through innovative strategies

Found in 16 July 2024

MELIORA: transforming breast cancer risk reduction through innovative strategies

What information can we find on food packaging?

Found in 10 July 2024

Food labels serve as an essential communication tool between producers and consumers, providing a wealth of information that can empower us to make informed choices about the food we eat. Knowing how to read and understand these labels is key to having a healthy diet that fits our dietary needs…

What are nutrition and health claims?

Found in 10 July 2024

In today’s health-conscious world, consumers are increasingly seeking information about the nutritional content and health benefits of the foods they consume. As a result, claims about certain properties of the food have gained prominence on food packaging. In the EU, three types of claims are allowed to be made on…

Webinar: What do consumers know about food? Results from EUFIC’s food literacy survey in 7 European countries

Found in 05 July 2024

In the context of our first long-term goal of building food and health science literacy, we conducted this survey to find out what consumers understood in this area, and where were their greatest knowledge gaps, so to better tailor our activities to address these gaps. European food literacy survey 2023-2024:…

Is dark chocolate good for weight loss?

Found in 02 July 2024

Is dark chocolate good for weight loss?

Is dark chocolate good for weight loss?

Found in 28 June 2024

Who doesn’t love to indulge in some dark chocolate every now and then? Dark chocolate is derived from the cocoa bean and often has a higher cocoa content compared to its milk chocolate counterpart. Cocoa is rich in flavanols, a type of polyphenol, which have been linked to various health…

Do carbohydrates make you gain weight?

Found in 28 June 2024

Carbohydrates are the sugars, starches, and dietary fibres found in the foods we eat every day, such as fruits, vegetables, cereals, pulses, root crops, dairy, and sweeteners. Carbohydrates are broken down by our body into simple sugars (glucose and galactose) that are absorbed into the bloodstream and used as the…

Harnessing the power of microbiomes to improve our health: Launch of EU-funded MICROBIOMES4SOY

Found in 27 June 2024

MICROBIOMES4SOY responds to the urgent call on World Microbiome Day to transition to healthier, more environmentally friendly, plant-based diets. The EU-funded Horizon project uses the soyabean crop as model system to deepen microbiome understanding and develop ambitious microbiome-based innovations in the food sector. Why microbiomes? Microbiomes, the diverse communities of…

Fermented foods: What are they, and what is their impact on our health?

Found in 21 June 2024

Fermented foods have been consumed around the world for centuries. Today, they endure in kitchens, restaurants and markets, where an estimated 5000 types of fermented foods are eaten worldwide, making up 5-40% of human diets.1,2As certain foods and beverages such as sourdough bread and kombucha rise in popularity and receive…

COMBINE: Combining interventions to reduce consumer food waste through collaboration and innovation

Found in 20 June 2024

COMBINE: Combining interventions to reduce consumer food waste through collaboration and innovation

Declaration for our sustainable future: FOODPathS urges EU policymakers to prioritise the transition

Found in 19 June 2024

FOODPathS and its partners urge policy makers and all food system stakeholders to prioritise working towards future sustainable food systems amidst uncertainty in the composition of the new European Commission. The declaration sets out the necessary steps for the EU to honour its flagship Farm to Fork (F2F) strategy as…

The health benefits of regularly eating nuts and seeds

Found in 19 June 2024

Sprinkled on top of your morning porridge, a tasty crunch to your salads, or a quick and delicious on-the-go snack: adding more nuts and seeds not only brings extra flavour and texture to your meals but also many health benefits. This article explains the difference between nuts and seeds, if…

Does the sweetener xylitol increase risk of stroke?

Found in 13 June 2024

Researchers have published new findings in the European Heart Journal about potential cardiovascular complications associated with the low-calorie sweetener xylitol. Xylitol is a sugar alcohol (polyol) that is commonly used as a replacement for sugar to sweeten foods and beverages such as chewing gums, mints, candies, and flavoured drinks, but…

Do carbohydrates make you gain weight?

Found in 11 June 2024

Do carbohydrates make you gain weight?

Mr. Goodfish 3.0: Empowering Sustainable Seafood Choices – choose the right fish at the right season!

Found in 10 June 2024

Mr. Goodfish 3.0: Empowering Sustainable Seafood Choices – choose the right fish at the right season!

DRG4FOOD’s second Open Call grants up to €300.000   to pilot projects that develop a trustworthy data-driven food system

Found in 13 May 2024

The EU-funded Horizon project DRG4FOOD, a leading accelerator for advancing sustainable solutions in the food industry, releases its second Open Call of €950.000, aimed at supporting at least three pilot projects, each up to €300.000, to develop and implement consumer-facing digital solutions for a digitally responsible data-driven food system. Proposals…

Carbohydrates - General articles

Found in 24 April 2024

Healthier diets and sustainable food and feed systems through employing microbiomes for soya production and further use (MICROBIOMES4SOY)  

Found in 25 March 2024

Healthier diets and sustainable food and feed systems through employing microbiomes for soya production and further use (MICROBIOMES4SOY)  

DRG4FOOD celebrates world consumer rights day by promoting digital responsibility in the food sector through a podcast series

Found in 15 March 2024

On March 15th, DRG4FOOD celebrates World Consumer Rights Day by launching its Digital Food Podcast series. Through several episodes, the podcast will explore digital technologies and data in the food industry, highlighting the importance of digital responsibility, and empower consumers to navigate food and nutrition data in the digital age,…

Understanding food processing: examples, benefits and risks

Found in 05 March 2024

Food processing involves any method that turns fresh foods into food products. Foods can be processed in many different ways, whether it is at home or on an industrial scale. What is the impact of food processing and how can we get the most out of processed foods? Learn more…

CLEVERFOOD - Connected Labs and networks for Empowering Versatile Engagement in Radical Food system transformation

Found in 07 February 2024

CLEVERFOOD - Connected Labs and networks for Empowering Versatile Engagement in Radical Food system transformation

Is soy good or bad for you? Here’s what the science says

Found in 07 February 2024

Is soy good or bad for you? This question has been a subject of much debate and speculation. In recent years, soy has gained popularity as a versatile and nutritious food source. Soy and soy-based products have found their way into a wide range of foods, from tofu and soy…

Is eating soy bad for the environment?

Found in 07 February 2024

Soybeans are a widely grown crop, known for its use in a wide variety of food products, Soy is also used to produce animal feed and for several other industrial purposes. In the last 50 years, soy production has expanded rapidly and has been scrutinised for its impact on the…

Which pulses are high in protein?

Found in 07 February 2024

Gone are the days when people assumed protein only came from meat, dairy, and eggs. Whether you are following a vegetarian or vegan diet or simply want to increase your intake of plants, pulses can make a great protein-packed ally. From lentils and chickpeas to black beans and peas, there…

Pulses (Q&A)

Found in 07 February 2024

High in protein, fibre, vitamins, minerals, and low in fat… we’re talking about pulses! These tiny protein-packed foods do not only taste delicious, but they are also a simple and affordable solution to help tackle the climate, health, and cost-of-living crises. This article explores what pulses are, the different types…

Zero Hidden Hunger EU: Tackling micronutrient malnutrition and hidden hunger to improve health in the EU

Found in 29 January 2024

Zero Hidden Hunger EU: Tackling micronutrient malnutrition and hidden hunger to improve health in the EU


Found in 19 January 2024


Tips for a healthier lifestyle (Video)

Found in 18 December 2023

We may want to lose weight, get fit, or just be healthier. We know that more fruit and vegetables or more exercising is good for us but maintaining the motivation and sticking to decisions may seem hard. There are ways to make the healthy way the easy way. Setting SMART…

Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you (BETTER4U)

Found in 12 December 2023

Preventing obesity through Biologically and bEhaviorally Tailored inTERventions for you (BETTER4U)

Using mild processing techniques to reduce food waste: The innovative FOX project

Found in 27 November 2023

Have you ever wondered what happens to all the fruits and vegetables that don’t meet the standards to be sold as fresh produce or that are left behind due to overproduction? Probably a large amount is thrown away. It is estimated that 88 million tons of food are wasted annually…

Webinar: Facilitating the Healthy and Sustainable Diet Shift through Effective Communication in Communities with Low Socioeconomic Status

Found in 27 November 2023

The need and urgency to shift to a healthier and more sustainable food system is widely acknowledged. However, vulnerable populations, particularly those with low socio-economic status (SES), face multiple challenges that make it harder to eat in a sustainable and healthy way. To support the transition towards healthier and more…

Daily sugar intake: How many grams of sugar per day?

Found in 27 November 2023

Sugars are everywhere in our diets. They are found naturally in foods or are added to various foods and drinks. Sources of sugar in our diets include fruits and fruit juices, soft drinks, honey, jams and marmalades, vegetable products (e.g., tomato ketchup), ready-meals, desserts and other sweet treats. Sugars are…

Sugars: Addressing Common Questions

Found in 27 November 2023

Sugars are common components of our diets. They are found in a wide range of foods and drinks, both naturally and in added form, including in fruit and fruit juices, milk and dairy products, honey, jams and marmalades, soft drinks, ready-meals, vegetable products (e.g. tomato ketchup), desserts, and other sweet…

What is being done to fight antimicrobial resistance?

Found in 21 November 2023

Improper and excessive use of antimicrobials in both human health care and agricultural production domains has accelerated the development of bacterial defences against them and the rise of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). This article explores what European and international organizations are doing to tackle this issue. Before delving into the topic,…

Antimicrobial resistance (Q&A)

Found in 21 November 2023

Antibiotic resistance represents one of the most significant global threats to health and food security in the world today. Overuse and misuse of these life-saving drugs have allowed bacteria to evolve defences against them at an alarming rate. If left unaddressed, antibiotic resistance could lead to a future where common…

EUFIC launches Whole Grains Campaign to Inspire Uptake of Whole Grains and Revert Health Risks

Found in 14 November 2023

On November 15th, on the occasion of the 5th International Whole Grains Day, the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) launches a campaign that aims to highlight the positive impact of whole grain on nutrition, wellbeing, and sustainability and to inspire citizens to integrate these nutritious choices into their daily diets.…

European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023: EUFIC to host symposium on food education and science communication training series

Found in 13 November 2023

This week, the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) will host a symposium on food education and engagement and a training series on science communication at the 14th European Nutrition Conference, organised by the Federation of European Nutrition Societies (FENS) in Belgrade, Serbia. Education and engagement crucial to build food and…

DOMINO (Harnessing the potential of Fermenting for Healthy and Sustainable Foods)

Found in 06 November 2023

DOMINO (Harnessing the potential of Fermenting for Healthy and Sustainable Foods)

European initiatives address vital role of citizens in food system transformation

Found in 26 October 2023

The world’s food systems are currently facing a myriad of challenges that require immediate attention and action. Despite the urgency of this matter, citizen engagement in the processes that can drive the transformation remains a challenge, particularly in terms of their involvement in public policy processes. To address this crucial…

EUFIC Launches Social Media Challenge #SwitchToWholeGrains: What whole grains are you switching to?

Found in 26 October 2023

On November 15th, on the occasion of the 5th International Whole Grains Day, the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) is launching its social media challenge #SwitchToWholeGrains to inspire European citizens to integrate more whole grains into their daily diets. A diet rich in whole grains can reduce the risk for…

Whole grain (Q&A)

Found in 26 October 2023

Eating whole grains as part of a healthy diet may help to reduce the risk of many common diseases. This article explores common questions about whole grains, shedding light on their nutritional value, types, and how they contribute to a healthy lifestyle. You will also find easy tips on how…

Volkoren granen (Q&A)

Found in 26 October 2023

Als je volkoren granen eet als een onderdeel van een gezond dieet, kan dit helpen om het risico op een groot aantal ziekten te verminderen. Dit artikel gaat in op veelgestelde vragen over volkoren granen en geeft inzicht in hun voedingswaarde, de verschillende soorten en hoe ze bijdragen aan een…

De aanbevolen dagelijkse inname van vezels en vezelrijk voedsel om u te helpen dit te bereiken

Found in 26 October 2023

Vezels spelen een essentiële rol in het behoud van onze algehele gezondheid en ons welzijn. Toch eten de meesten van ons niet de aanbevolen hoeveelheid. Welke vezelrijke voedingsmiddelen kunnen we aan ons dieet toevoegen om dichter bij onze dagelijkse vezeldoelstelling te komen? En zijn vezelsupplementen nuttig om ons te helpen…

Recommended daily intake of fibre and fibre-rich foods to help you achieve it

Found in 26 October 2023

Fibre plays an essential role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. Yet, most of us do not eat the recommended amount. Which fibre-rich foods can we incorporate in our diet to help us get closer to our daily fibre target? And are fibre supplements beneficial to help us increase…

New Food Facts community to empower media and scientists to fight food misinformation together

Found in 24 October 2023

Join the Food Facts Community to debunk food misinformation and help build public science literacy Brussels, 25th October – Are plant-based patties healthier than their meaty counterparts? What are the real effects of additives? Have you ever needed to talk to an expert on sugar, but you did not have…

DRG4FOOD’s first Open Call Gives up to €300,000 to pilot projects building a trustworthy data-driven food system

Found in 10 October 2023

[Brussels, 10th October 2023] – The EU funded Horizon project DRG4Food, a leading accelerator for advancing sustainable solutions in the food industry, releases its first open call of €950,000, aimed at supporting three pilot projects for up to €300,000 to develop and implement baseline enablers advancing alternative approaches food system…

YOUng AgRifood European INnovators (YOUAREIN)

Found in 04 October 2023

YOUng AgRifood European INnovators (YOUAREIN)

InnoProtein - New sustainable proteins for food, feed and non-food bio-based applications

Found in 29 September 2023

InnoProtein - New sustainable proteins for food, feed and non-food bio-based applications

What kind of food waster are you? Food waste quiz aims to boost citizens’ food management skills

Found in 29 September 2023

Brussels, 29th of September 2023 On September 29th, on the occasion of the International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste, convened by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) is launching a one-month food waste campaign, together with a new quiz “Evaluate Your…

The FOX project announces its Final Conference: “Small-Scale, Big Impact: Innovative Approaches for Local Food Processing”

Found in 25 September 2023

Brussels, 21 September 2023 – Shortening food supply chains is one of the key aspects to stimulate the uptake of sustainable food systems transformation: what if we could bring food processing closer to farmers in an economically feasible way? FOX – Food Processing in a Box, a Horizon 2020 funded…

Assess Your Food Waste Practices And Get Personalised Tips

Found in 25 September 2023

Discover how you can make a positive impact on the environment and save on costs by evaluating your food waste habits! EUFIC’s new food waste quiz is designed to help you evaluate your food waste practices and identify effective strategies tailored to your lifestyle that can minimise food waste. After…

High-level event in Valencia sets to shine a spotlight on food loss and waste reduction strategies

Found in 12 September 2023

The world is gearing up to mark the International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day on September 29th, a day dedicated to addressing the critical issue of food loss and waste (FLW). Recognising that this challenge needs the collective efforts of experts and stakeholders from various fields, the Valencia World…

Uuring: eestlased on toidualase väärinfo eristamises Euroopas nõrgimad

Found in 08 September 2023

Tänase rahvusvahelise kirjaoskuse päeva puhul algatas Euroopa Toiduteabe Nõukogu toidu- ja terviseteaduse alase kirjaoskuse suurendamise kampaania rõhutamaks selle rolli üldsuse teadlike toitumis- ja elustiilivalikute tegemisel. Kampaania peamine eesmärk on luua tervislikum ja kestlikum ühiskond. Eurobaromeetri 2022. aasta uuringu järgi pidas 49% vastanutest avalik-õiguslikke tele- ja raadiojaamu kõige usaldusväärsemaks uudiste allikaks…

EUFIC Launches Food and Health Science Literacy Campaign to Combat Disinformation in the EU

Found in 08 September 2023

In recognition of International Literacy Day, the European Food Information Council (EUFIC) has launched a campaign on food and health science literacy. This initiative emphasises the crucial role of literacy in empowering the public to make well-informed diet and lifestyle choices, underpinning a vision for a healthier and more sustainable…

The levels of evidence in nutrition research

Found in 06 September 2023

Nutrition and health are inextricably linked. Nutrition researchers try to unravel these connections in order to arrive at reliable nutritional advice. However, not all types of research can be used to draw equally firm conclusions. Understanding the different types of study designs is important for distinguishing between reliable and less…

How strong is the scientific evidence?

Found in 06 September 2023

Have you ever wondered how strong the scientific evidence is behind the latest dietary trends and health claims? This infographic dives into common study designs (systematic reviews, meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials, observational research, including prospective cohort studies, case-control studies, cross-sectional studies, animal studies, cell studies, and anecdotes and case studies)…

How to spot fake nutrition information online

Found in 06 September 2023

In a world flooded with information, distinguishing fact from fiction is crucial, especially when it comes to health. It’s easy to stumble upon articles that claim to be backed by science but actually twist the facts. They may make extravagant promises or single out specific foods, leaving us puzzled about…

How to read graphs

Found in 06 September 2023

In an era where information is readily available, graphs have become essential tools for conveying data in a visually appealing and concise manner. Understanding how to read them accurately is crucial for making informed decisions. However, graphs can be misleading if not interpreted correctly or are even made misleading on…

What are cognitive biases and tips to improve your thinking

Found in 06 September 2023

In today’s information age, our ability to make informed decisions is crucial, especially when it comes to nutrition and health. To make sense of the huge amount of information that surrounds us, our brains sometimes make systematic thinking errors – known as cognitive biases. This infographic explores seven common cognitive…

Nutrition research: who funds it and how is it published?

Found in 06 September 2023

Nutrition has a fundamental and vital role in contributing to public health. Have you ever wondered how the work of scientists is checked and paid for? Why is some nutrition research behind a paywall? This article describes the ways in which nutrition research can be funded, and explains some aspects…

Climate change, how will it affect how safe your food is?

Found in 30 August 2023

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to ignore the impact that our actions are having on the planet’s climate. While we grapple with the consequences of our choices as a society, one critical concern that often goes unmentioned is the safety of the food we consume.1 In this article, we will dive…

In the news: do ultra-processed foods increase risk of heart disease and stroke?

Found in 29 August 2023

Recent news stories have reported that eating ultra-processed food increases the risk of heart attack and stroke, based on results from two new research studies. The use of the degree of processing of foods as an indicator of their healthfulness is a hotly debated topic in nutrition and food science.…


Found in 29 August 2023

Are you looking for an infographic, recorded webinar presentation, toolkit, and more? In this section, you’ll find a wealth of practical, comprehensive resources for enhancing your understanding of nutrition, food safety, food waste, science literacy, and other food-related topics. Whether you’re a health professional, educator, or simply someone passionate about…

The benefits of fruits and vegetables

Found in 24 July 2023

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part of a healthy diet. Not only do these colourful foods add flavour and variety to your meals, but they also pack a powerful nutritional punch, providing vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants. In this article, we will explore the health benefits of eating fruits…

In the news: does aspartame increase our risk of cancer?

Found in 14 July 2023

Aspartame is a low-calorie sweetener that is approximately 200 times sweeter than sugar and is used to replace sugar and provide sweetness in energy-reduced food, or food with no added sugars. Recent news stories have raised the alarm that aspartame may be linked to cancer, but there are a few…

New Genomic Techniques: what are they and how can they improve our food systems?

Found in 06 July 2023

The EU Commission has released their draft proposal for a reformed regulation on New Genomic Techniques (NGTs).1 This article explains what is meant by NGTs and how they are (or can be) used to make agricultural production more sustainable. Potential risks, areas of uncertainty and suggestions for the regulation of…

Νέες γονιδιωματικές τεχνικές: ποιες είναι αυτές και πώς μπορούν να βελτιώσουν τα συστήματα διατροφής μας;

Found in 29 June 2023

Η Επιτροπή της ΕΕ ανακοίνωσε τη δημοσίευση ενός σχεδίου πρότασης για έναν αναθεωρημένο κανονισμό για τις Νέες γονιδιωματικές τεχνικές (NGTs) που αναμένεται να δημοσιευθεί στις αρχές Ιουλίου 2023.1 Αυτό το άρθρο εξηγεί τι σημαίνουν οι NGTs και πώς χρησιμοποιούνται (ή μπορούν να χρησιμοποιηθούν) για να γίνει πιο βιώσιμη η αγροτική…

What are prebiotics and probiotics and are they important for health?

Found in 23 June 2023

The human body, and mainly the digestive tract, is home to trillions of microorganisms. Bacteria, fungi and viruses, as well as the less known archaea and protozoa, all live side by side in our gut. These tiny living organisms, collectively known as the gut microbiota, can have a great impact…

New tools to advance personalised nutrition released by EU project Stance4Health

Found in 22 June 2023

Brussels, 22 June 2023 Due to unhealthy lifestyles, non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart diseases – are on the rise, representing by far the leading cause of mortality across the EU. To fight this wave, the EU-funded project Stance4Health has worked during the past…

Early detection of food risks with AI and Big Data

Found in 07 June 2023

European project HOLiFOOD to improve food safety and sustainability of the EU food system. Emerging risks in the food chain are increasingly impacting our daily lives. How can food industry and authorities leverage technologies like AI and Big data in the future to improve both the safety, healthiness and sustainability…

Shaping the gut microbiome through personalised nutrition

Found in 01 June 2023

The gut microbiome is an essential part of our digestive system that plays a significant role in our overall health and well-being. This article will explain how personalised nutrition and functional foods are being studied as tools to positively influence our gut microbiome, as well as their limitations and challenges.…

What are non-communicable diseases and how can we reduce our risk?

Found in 30 May 2023

Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major public health concern globally and their prevalence is increasing due to an increasing life expectancy, growing population, urbanisation and changing lifestyles. Many NCDs are preventable and certain lifestyle changes can reduce our risk of developing them. In this article, we will explore what NCDs…

Transforming healthier food for a healthier planet: World Microbiome Day 2023 shines a spotlight on microbiomes for sustainable & healthy diets

Found in 29 May 2023

Diet and food choice play a crucial role in 'feeding' our microbiome- and the trillions of micro-organisms that make up this complex system. To raise awareness of this crucial topic, this year's World Microbiome Day, which takes place once again on June 27th, and is organised by APC Microbiome Ireland…

9 practical tips for a healthy and sustainable diet

Found in 26 May 2023

Each of us contributes to the impact that our food system has on the planet. We can all commit to making the world a healthier place to live, through small but achievable changes to our diets. 1. Eat more fruits and vegetables Fruit and vegetables are good for our health,…

In the news: should we avoid using non-sugar sweeteners for weight loss?

Found in 22 May 2023

Sweeteners are used in foods to replace sugar and add a sweet taste without (or with very few) calories, are therefore often used by people trying to lose or maintain their weight. However, recent news stories warned against the use of sweeteners, for weight loss. Here are a few things…

DRG4FOOD - Empowering a fair and responsible European FoodRegister, fostering citizen sovereignty and creating a data-driven food system

Found in 17 May 2023

DRG4FOOD - Empowering a fair and responsible European FoodRegister, fostering citizen sovereignty and creating a data-driven food system

HOLiFOOD - Holistic approach for tackling food systems risks in a changing global environment

Found in 17 May 2023

HOLiFOOD - Holistic approach for tackling food systems risks in a changing global environment

EUFIC granted EU4Health Programme for the second time to promote public health in Europe

Found in 01 May 2023

The European Food Information Council (EUFIC) is proud to win the EU4Health (EU4H) Programme operating grant for 2023 as part of the EU's largest programme to boost public health in Europe, supporting the development of stronger, more resilient and more accessible health systems. EU4H is managed by the European Health…

What is processed food?

Found in 17 April 2023

“Avoid all processed foods” – this message seems to be a common response when someone asks how to adopt a healthier diet. The term ‘processed foods’ may bring to mind products such as frozen pizzas, packaged chocolate chip cookies, or ready-made supermarket meals containing many ingredients and food additives. However,…

Microalgae from volcanic hot springs as a promising protein source for the future

Found in 05 April 2023

Right side: Production of Galdieria sulphuraria in a pilot tubular photobioreactor at AlgaePARC (Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands); Left side: hot springs 5 April 2023, Wageningen, Netherlands Researchers from the ProFuture project present the latest findings on extremophile species Galdieria sulphuraria. Researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands have…

Cook2DIAbeat - Healthier Eating for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management: Cocreating a Novel Nutrition Education Program with Culinary Medicine

Found in 21 March 2023

Cook2DIAbeat - Healthier Eating for Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management: Cocreating a Novel Nutrition Education Program with Culinary Medicine

5 trending alternative protein sources to meat in Europe

Found in 17 March 2023

The EU market for alternative proteins has been growing steadily in recent years, with meat and dairy alternative sales increasing by 10% annually between 2010 and 2020.1 But what are the trending “alternative proteins”? This article explains why we should take them seriously and shows five options that may help…

Lab grown meat: how it is made and what are the pros and cons

Found in 17 March 2023

There has been a lot of talk about lab-grown meat (also called cultivated or cell-based meat) in the news recently. This article explains what it is, how it’s made, and the barriers that will need to be overcome if we’re ever going to find it in supermarkets in Europe. What…

FoodStories: Impactful food science communication

Found in 15 March 2023

FoodStories: Impactful food science communication

Data rights & digital responsibility for the food sector: DRG4Food project promotes new tools on Consumer Rights Day

Found in 14 March 2023

Brussels, 15th March 2023 As rapid digital advancements continue to shape the world we live in, market abuses and social injustices pose a significant threat to consumer rights, both in the physical and virtual worlds. Particularly in sensitive systems like the food chain, data-based approaches are important but not easy…

In the news: do artificial sweeteners increase the risk of heart attacks and stroke?

Found in 07 March 2023

Recent news stories reported that the low-calorie sweetener erythritol has been linked to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Sweeteners, including erythritol, are used in foods to replace sugar and add a sweet taste without (or with very few) calories. So, does this new data suggest we should…

EUFIC presents TrustTracker® results at the 20th Spanish Food Safety & Quality Conference

Found in 06 March 2023

Consumer trust is crucial in advancing the EU towards a healthier, more resilient, equitable, and more sustainable food system. In this context, Dr Laura Fernandez, Director General of EUFIC, presented the TrustTracker® at the 20th Spanish Food Safety & Quality conference, organised by AECOC, the association of manufacturers and distributors,…

Multivitamins: benefits & risks for health

Found in 28 February 2023

Multivitamins: benefits & risks for health

7 lifestyle tips to help reduce blood pressure

Found in 13 February 2023

High blood pressure (or hypertension) is one of the most important risk factors for the development of heart disease and stroke. Our blood pressure can be influenced by many things, including our genes, diseases such as kidney disease, medications and lifestyle. For most of us, lifestyle plays the biggest role…

What is salt and how does it affect our blood pressure?

Found in 10 February 2023

Salt has been used to flavour and preserve foods for thousands of years. We all need some salt for good health, but eating too much can increase our blood pressure, increasing our risk of heart disease. Here we discuss how too much salt can increase blood pressure, the relationship between…

EUFIC joins forces with ‘Beans Is How’ to help tackle climate, health & cost‑of‑living crisis

Found in 10 February 2023

As pulses are an important part of a nutritious, sustainable, as well as affordable diet, the Beans is How campaign pledges to double the global consumption of beans, peas, pulses, lentils and legumes by 2028. This February, EUFIC joined forces with the movement: “EUFIC is delighted to join the Beans…

Microalgae: what are they and how to grow and use them

Found in 02 February 2023

Algae come in many different shapes and sizes – but while most of us would only recognise a few species, many more are becoming increasingly important organisms for our future. Especially microalgae have a huge potential to be seen much more on our plates – as part of a healthy…

In the news: will eating grapes protect you against getting sunburned?

Found in 08 December 2022

Recent news stories reported that eating grapes could protect against UV damage (UV radiation is part of the natural energy produced by the sun) that can increase the risk of malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. While it is well known that a diet high in fruit,…

Why EUFIC in EU-Funded Projects?

Found in 07 December 2022

We are a consumer-oriented non-profit association, that makes the science behind food and health more accessible and easier to understand among the public. Our mission is to produce science-based content to inspire and empower healthier and more sustainable diets and lifestyles among European citizens. How do we boost project outreach…

PLAN’EAT - Food Systems Transformation Towards Healthy and Sustainable Dietary Behaviour

Found in 07 December 2022

PLAN’EAT - Food Systems Transformation Towards Healthy and Sustainable Dietary Behaviour